Presentation and Paper for SAA 2016 - Measuring Cultural Relatedness Using Multiple Seriation Ordering Algorithms

 Back to Essay List  Modified: 23 Jul 2020   BibTeX Entry   RIS Citation  Print

The Society for American Archaeology meetings are coming up in Orlando, and I’ll be participating in a session called:

Evolutionary Archaeologies: New Approaches, Methods, and Empirical Sufficiency

along with a number of colleagues. We opted for the “electronic symposium” option this year, which is a slightly confusing description. Instead of presenting or reading a full paper, we submit papers in advance, which are posted online (the “electronic” part). At the conference, we each get a few minutes to re-summarize our work for the audience to ensure that everyone is up to speed, and then we have Q&A and discussion for most of the time.

The slides I’ll use on Saturday for summarizing the work are located in the presentation directory from the Github repository.

You can read the conference draft of our paper from the Github repository. Comments welcome; this will be submitted for publication after expansion and revisions in the next few months so any suggested improvements are greatly appreciated. We will likely incorporate several other data examples in the final version after getting permission from the folks who collected the data sets.